Happy Friday!
This week we are sharing some information you may have already seen posted at school. But as drop off and pick up times can be hectic, maybe not! Here is information from our Music Teacher Ms. Carmen about what children have been doing in music class during the month of May.
“In the month of May the toddler will learn songs about insects, like ladybugs and butterflies. We will listen and identify the sound of bees and imitate them vocally and learn a song about honeybees. The children will be playing scrapers and will be using these instruments to accent the beat of songs and music.
The preschoolers have been studying facts about metamorphosis. During our music sessions the children will also be learning about insects and their life cycle through songs and music. We will continue to work with the musical concepts we have learned so far such as high/low, fast/slow, and quiet/loud through a song about fireflies. Through the exploration of different sized cymbals the children will learn how the size of these instruments determine the volume of the sound.”
Preschoolers at both sites are in the midst of the Mad Science unit. Classrooms have been turned into laboratories and students have been making a variety of concoctions. (Campus Drive projects begin Monday!) Students have been discussing the steps involved in a science experiment: Question, Prediction, Procedure, Observation and Conclusion. The letters of the week were lowercase h and b. Toddlers have been focusing on animals!
Look out for pictures from our Mad Science unit next week. Have a great weekend!